Nós e os outros animais: especismo, veganismo e educação ambiental

Palavras-chaves: Relação entre animais humanos e não-humanos. Ética. Paradigmas educacionais.
This article presents some epistemological assumptions to build a critical environmental education (EE) by discussing the boundaries between EE and non-anthropocentric paradigms as part of a transforming reflection regarding our relationship with nature. The arguments show that in the realm of a new and genuine non-anthropocentric perspective we should consider the interests of non-human animals not only because of ethical reasons ? for they are bearers of intrinsic value and ?subjects of a life? - but also because this new attitude would unravel positive consequences concerning sustainability in its most distinct dimensions. To accomplish that, there is a discussion on the interface between EE and the concepts of speciesism and veganism ? both linked to the so called ?animal abolitionism? ? as key-concepts to build an ecocentric ethics.
O artigo está disponível em http://www.fe.unb.br/linhascriticas/artigos/n29/nos_e.pdf
BRÜGGER, Paula. Nós e os outros animais: especismo, veganismo e educação ambiental. Linhas Críticas, Brasília, v. 15, n. 29; jul./dez, 2009: 197-214.
Key-words: Relationship between human and non-human animals. Ethics. Educational paradigms.
Fonte: www.vegetarianismo.com.br
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