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Ban (desodorante importado)

From: X
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 11:17 PM
To: Jergens Consumer Relations
Subject: Re: Kao Brands Company, Reference # 001535443A.

Hello, thanks for aswering so fast!
I'm glad to hear that your company don't use animals to test your products, but I didn't understand what it is "animal by-products". I don't speak english very well, I'm brazilian. Sorry.

I just want to know if BAN is made of anything that comes from animals.

Thanks a lot!


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Para: X

Data: Segunda, 04 De Setembro De 2006 11:00

Assunto: Re: Kao Brands Company, Reference # 001535443A.


We are pleased to inform you that we do not use animals to test any aspect of our products. Additionally, current plans do not include the use of animals in the development of new products.

We strive to minimize any use of animal by-products in all of our products. However, because we use multiple suppliers for a variety of our materials, we unfortunately cannot guarantee that the suppliers are always providing materials free of animal by-products.


Kao Brands Consumer Relations Department
Ban Biore Curel Jergens John Frieda
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